Health Plan of San Joaquin | Focus Your Health | Summer 2021
Getting care ● Choose your primary care practitioner (PCP) at . Our list shows each provider’s languages and sex. You can also find out about: their license, the medical school they went to, and their residencies and board status. You can also call us for help. ● Find how to reach your PCP. ● Choose a hospital by name or place. ● Learn how to get: ➜ Care during office hours ➜ After-hours care ➜ Specialty care ➜ Emergency care and when to use 911 ➜ Mental health care ➜ Hospital services ➜ Out-of-area care and coverage What your plan covers ● Find your Evidence of Coverage (EOC) online at -coverage . It tells you: ➜ What is and is not covered ➜ Your benefits and limits, in and out of our service area ➜ How we decide to involve a new technology as a covered benefit ● Find your Pharmacy Benefits at . It tells you: ➜ When we use generic medicine ➜ How to ask for brand-name medicine ➜ How to ask for a medicine that is not covered ➜ How to find out if your medicines are covered, need approval or are limited ➜ About therapeutic inter- change protocol for meds that work in a similar way and step therapy for other meds Find what you need at Our website, , puts the news you need at your fingertips. Many members use online tools to handle their care and fix their health. It is also the best way to: ● Get the most up-to-date facts about your plan. ● Find out how to reach us. ● Know what to do in a sudden event that must be handled right away. Visit from your PC, tablet or mobile phone. On , you will find the news for the following topics: 6 Focus Your Health
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