Health Plan of San Joaquin | Focus Your Health | Summer 2018

6 Focus Your Health Disease management (DM) is a program that gives you tips and coaching to help you take care of your health problem. The DM program is staffed with HPSJ health navigators and nurses who work with you, your caregiver and your health care team to help you learn and take care of your health issue. HPSJ offers this program for asthma, diabetes (high blood sugar), chronic obstructive pul- monary disease and congestive heart failure. How can you join? HPSJ works to find members through a mix of data that lets us tell you your risk score. We look at your: ● ● Hospital stays and emergency room visits ● ● Pharmacy and medication use Based on that risk score, the HPSJ DM team sends informa- tion to members about their health problem. HPSJ may also call members to find out more or give coaching based on their needs. Members may choose not to join in the DM program or to drop out at any time. Members who would like to take part in the DM program may join by: ● ● Calling and asking to join ● ● Having their doctor or Disease management A helping hand for your health caregiver tell us To join DM, please call this toll-free number: 888-936-PLAN ( 7526 ); TTY/TDD: 711 . What can you expect? If you join the DM program, you can expect to get a welcome letter and information. Our DM team will work with you, your caregiver and your treating doctor. Our DM team will work with you to help your quality of life and help you to cope with your health problem. HPSJ may also guide you to county-based support. HealthReach 1800