Health Plan of San Joaquin | Focus Your Health | Summer 2020

2 Focus Your Health Vaccines: Are your kids caught up? Immunization schedule These are general recommendations. Talk with your doctor about what is right for your child. VACCINES CHILDREN AND TEENS NEED { BIRTH TO 18 YEARS } DTaP = diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough) Flu = influenza HepA = hepatitis A HepB = hepatitis B Hib = Haemophilus influenzae type b HPV = human papillomavirus IPV = polio MenACWY = meningococcal A, C, W, Y MenB = meningococcal B MMR = measles, mumps, rubella PCV13 = pneumococcal PPSV23 = pneumococcal RV = rotavirus Tdap = tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis VAR = varicella (chickenpox) * Needed in some cases BIRTH MONTHS YEARS 0 1 2 4 6 9 12 15 18 19–23 2–3 4–6 7–10 11–12 13–15 16 17–18 HepB HepB HepB HepB HepB series RV RV RV* DTaP DTaP DTaP DTaP DTaP DTaP DTaP Tdap Tdap Hib Hib Hib* Hib Hib* Hib Hib PCV13 PCV13 PCV13 PCV13 PCV13 PCV13 PCV13 PPSV23 IPV IPV IPV IPV IPV IPV series Flu, yearly (1 or 2 doses) Flu, yearly MMR MMR MMR MMR MMR series VAR VAR VAR VAR series HepA series MenACWY series Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2019) MenACWY series HPV series HPV MenB Range of routinely recommended ages Range for certain high-risk groups Range for catch-up immunizations Range for non-high-risk groups subject to doctor’s advice HepA series Tdap The school year has ended, but make sure your kids have had all their vaccines before school starts again. Vaccines protect kids from diseases such as: ●  Whooping cough ●  Tetanus ●  Measles ●  Polio ●  Chickenpox You can help protect your children by making sure they get all their vaccines on time. If you are unsure whether your child needs vaccines, schedule an appointment to talk to your child’s doctor. Children may need many doses at different ages. Check with your doctor and keep records of all your child’s vaccines since birth. At a well-child visit, the doctor will do a physical exam, check growth and give vaccines that are needed. Even if a child is healthy, well visits are vital in order to focus on wellness and to prevent health issues. This chart shows the vaccines children and teens should get and at what age they should get them. If your child does not get a vaccine at the set time, most can be given later. Talk to your child’s doctor first. The chart also shows the best time to get catch-up vaccines. Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)