Health Plan of San Joaquin | Focus Your Health | Fall 2018

Focus Your Health 5 Reach out to us ● ● Find our toll-free number. ● ● Call us if you have questions. ● ● Ask about the TDD/TTY line if you have a hearing problem. ● ● Find out how to reach your doctor. ● ● Contact staff if you have questions about how we manage care and services. ● ● Learn about language help if you do not speak English well. ● ● Find facts about our Quality Improvement program, what we do, how we do it and our program goals. Payments and claims ● ● Learn what to do with fees, bills or other charges. ● ● Send a claim for a covered service you paid for. Online tools to handle— and better—your health ● ● Review your Personal Health Assessment and health risks. ● ● Track your health goals. ● ● Learn about preventive health care visits. ● ● Find tips and tools to keep you healthy. How HPSJ makes health care decisions ● ● See our rule: How we do not financially reward a person for Utilization Management decisions. ● ● Learn about external appeals steps. ● ● See how you can join our: ➜ Case Management programs: case-management ➜ Disease Management programs: disease-management ● ● Learn how your caregiver can guide you. Visit us online at , learn more about these topics in your online EOC or call Customer Service toll-free at 1-888-936-PLAN (7526) or TTY/TDD: 711 .