Health Plan of San Joaquin | Focus Your Health | Fall 2021

Focus Your Health 5 CLIP AND SAVE To make things easier, we want you to know that HPSJ works with almost all drugstores in California, including all major chains. You can fill your meds at these places. If the store is not part of the group, HPSJ will pay you back for those charges. If your meds are lost or destroyed due to fire, evacuation or non-refrigeration due to power outage, you can refill them even if they are not due to be refilled. We have a three-day (72-hour) supply for meds and controlled meds with some limits. Refrigerated meds You may know that some of your meds have to be refrigerated. Many of those meds will stay stable at room temperature for a few days. It is good to keep these meds cool, but do not use ice. Keep them in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight or heat. Call your doctor or pharmacist for more information. Insulin Insulin should be stored at 36 to 48 degrees. Once open, it can be stored at room tempera- ture for up to 28 days (except the NovoLog Mix 70/30 FlexPen, which can be stored for up to 14 days after it’s opened). Keep insulin away from high heat and do not let it freeze. You may have to replace your insulin if you notice that: ● It is cloudy or has changed color ● It has clumps even after being rolled ● It has threads or strings ● Your blood sugar stays high even after a correct dose If you are worried about any of your meds not being safe to use or if you want a replacement, call your doctor or pharmacy. Electrical medical equipment Please call HPSJ’s medical equipment provider, Western Drug Medical Supply, at 818.956.6691 if you use life-sustaining medical equipment Important numbers: Customer Service: 888.936.PLAN ( 7526 ), TTY/TDD: 711 (Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.) After hours/weekends/holidays: 855.828.1486 (for early refills in a crisis) Mental health help: 888.581.7526 24/7 HealthReach Nurse/Doctor Advice Line: 800.655.8294 HPSJ Care Coordination: 209.942.6352 (Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.) Western Drug Medical Supply: 818.956.6691 You can learn more at or download the myHPSJ app for Apple or Android devices. For more about power shutoffs, visit or your County emer- gency preparedness webpage. Stanislaus County Emergency Preparedness: San Joaquin County Emergency Preparedness: that needs electricity to work. They can help you get other devices if you are not able to use a regular power source. Tips for dialysis patients Your renal dialysis clinic should be able to see you if you need help with dialysis urgently dur- ing a power outage. If you have a problem get- ting supplies during a power outage, call HPSJ Care Coordination at 209.942.6352 . If you are not able to get in, please call 911 in the case of an emergency. Medications during power outages