Health Plan of San Joaquin | Focus Your Health | Fall 2019
4 Focus Your Health Get help for postpartum depression HOW TO REDUCE YOUR CH OF HAVING A C-SECTI DID YOU KNOW In many cases, C-sections saving and necessary. But C-sections can be avoided. C-SECTION IS MAJOR SURGE C-sections mean more cha complications, like infection loss. It also takes longer f EDUCATE YOUR Visit you can reduce your chanc C-section unless it’s really TALK TO YOUR D Your voice matters! Let yo that you only want a C-sec absolutely needed. W T C - CTI MY BIRTH MATTERS H DID YOU KNOW? In many cases, C-sections are life-saving and necessary. But many C-sections can be avoided. C-SECTION IS A MAJOR SURGERY C-sections mean more chances for complications, like infections and heavy blood loss. It also takes longer for moms to heal. EDUCATE YOURSELF Visit and learn how you can reduce your chances of hav- ing a C-section unless it’s really needed. TALK TO YOUR DOCTOR Your voice mat- ters! Let your doctor know that you only want a C-section if it’s absolutely needed. How to reduce your chances of having a C-section OW TO REDUCE YOU OF HAVING A C-S DID YOU In many cases, saving and nec C-sections can C-SECTI MAJOR C-sections me complications, loss. It also ta EDUCAT Visit MyBirth you can reduce C-section unle TALK TO Your voice mat that you only absolutely nee F V A -S MyBir MY BIRTH MATTERS B R HOW TO REDUCE YOUR CHAN OF HAVING A C-SECTION DID YOU KNOW? In many cases, C-sections are life saving and necessary. But many C-section can be avoided. C-SECTION IS A MAJOR SURGERY C-sections mean mor chan es fo complications, like i fections and h loss. It also takes longer for mom EDUCATE YOURSELF Visit and lear you can reduce your chances of ha C-section unless it’s really needed TALK TO YOUR DOCT Your voice matters! Let your docto that you only want a C-section if i absolutely needed. TO HAN AV -S MY BIRTH MATTERS E H W TO REDU E YOUR CH OF HAVING A C-SECTI DID YOU KNO In many cases, C-section saving and necessary. But C-sections can be avoided C-SECTION IS MAJOR SURGE C-sections mean more ch complications, like infectio loss. It also takes longer EDU ATE YOUR Visit you can reduce your chan C-section unless it’s reall TALK TO YOUR Your voice matters! Let y that you only want a C-se absolutely needed. TO R U F V N A C-SECTI My i MY BI TH MATTERS H For nine months, you’ve been looking forward to your baby’s birth. But what if your baby’s arrival makes you feel empty? Or worse? Then you might have a serious—but treatable— medical illness. Doctors call it postpartum depression (PPD). It’s very different from the baby blues, which are a normal part of being a new mom. Many women get the blues two to three days after childbirth. You may feel moody and weepy for no reason. But these blues go away fairly fast. But PPD can linger. And its symptoms are far more severe. It can cause intense feelings of: ● ● Sadness ● ● Hopelessness ● ● Anxiety ● ● Guilt These feelings can start at any time after delivery, even months later. Treat- ment—usually talk therapy, medicine or both—can help you find relief. But left untreated, PPD can affect your ability to care for your baby. You may have so little energy or feel so sad that it’s hard to meet your baby’s needs. That’s why it’s so crucial to tell your doctor right away if there’s any chance you have PPD. Don’t wait for your next checkup. PPD isn’t your fault. And all babies deserve a healthy mom. You deserve to be happy too. Sources: American Academy of Family Physicians; American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists; Office on Women’s Health HOW TO REDUCE YOUR CHANCES OF HAVING A C-SECTION DID YOU KNOW? In many cases, C-sections are life- saving and necessary. But many C-sections can be avoided. C-SECTION IS A MAJOR SURGERY C-sections mean more chances for complications, like infections and heavy blood loss. It also takes longer for moms to heal. EDUCATE YOURSELF Visit and learn how you can reduce your chances of having a C-section unless it’s really needed. TALK TO YOUR DOCTOR Your voice matters! Let your doctor know that you only want a C-section if it’s absolutely needed. O C AN ES MY BIRTH MATTERS IR R OW TO REDUCE YOU OF HAVING A C-SE DID YOU In many cases, saving and nece C-sections can C-SECTI MAJOR S C-sections mea complications, li loss. It also tak EDUCATE Visit MyBirthM you can reduce C-section unles TALK TO Your voice matt that you only w absolutely need OW RE R A NG C- E MY BIRTH MATTERS MY BIRTH MATTERS F O R M O R E Need to talk to someone? Call Beacon Health Options today at: 888.581.7526 . We have people waiting to talk with you about what you’re going through. HealthReach 2057 HealthReach 2754
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