Health Plan of San Joaquin | Focus Your Health | Winter 2021-2022
Focus Your Health Standard U.S. Postage PAID Walla Walla, WA Permit No. 44 HPSJ wants to reward you for getting your yearly checkups and routine exams. We offer preventive care at no cost to you. Better yet, we reward our members for taking steps to be healthier. Our goal is to help you achieve your health goals and maintain a healthy lifestyle. What is My Rewards? My Rewards is an incentive program for HPSJ members who have visited their doctor or stayed up-to-date with their health exams and checkups. This year you can get rewards for going in for: Women’s health ● Prenatal care in first trimester OR within 42 days of enrollment ● Postpartum visit between 7 and 84 days after delivery ● Cervical cancer screening ● Breast cancer screening/ mammogram Chronic disease ● Diabetes care: A1C test Well-child visits and immunizations ● Well care for baby: newborn to 15 months ● Well care for baby: newborn to 30 months ● Well-child visits: 3 to 21 years of age ● Lead screening For more information, visit . My Rewards Rewarding you for taking care of your health Winter 2021–2022
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